Antonios Argyriou

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Antonios Argyriou, Associate Professor
Deepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Thessaly
Volos, 38221, Greece
Email: anargyr [at] uth [dot] gr
Tel: +30-24210-74936
[Website], [Linkedin] [Twitter], [Arxiv], [Google Scholar]

Brief Biography

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. My research spans wireless communications, sensing, signal processing, machine learning, and security. Over the years I have published in well-recongnized conferences (Infocom, CVPR, ICC, Globecom) and journals (various IEEE and ACM Transactions). My research has been funded by the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA). I have been the recepient of a Marie Curie Award (2014). I have held various academic positions in the past: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, Philips Research, and Soft.Networks in Atlanta, GA. I have a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, USA (2006).


February 2024: The work of Ph.D. student G. Chrysanidis on the security of ISAC systems was accepted to IEEE Access! [IEEE PDF].

October 2023: The work of M.Sc. student D. Varkatzas was accepted to IEEE MILCOM in Boston! [Arxiv Preprint]