Σημειώσεις Διαφορικών Εξισώσεων

Γνωριμία με το Mathematica (version 5)
10-minute tutorial of Mathematica  (nb)
Γνωριμία με το Mathematica (version 4.1)
Quick Tips for Mathematica  (nb)
Plotting with Mathematica  (nb)

Week 1:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about the (unforced and forced) exponential differential equation and how it relates to personal finances.
Exponential  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 2:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about the oscillator differential equation.
Oscillator Differential Equation  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 3:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about Laplace and Fourier Transforms and their application in solving differential equations.
Laplace-Fourier  (pdf) Project 1  (nb)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 4:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about modern issues of differential equations and, most importantly, about the dangers of drinking and driving.
Differential Equations  (pdf) Project 2  (nb)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 5:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about phase lines, bifurcation points, and the separation of variables technique (with danger zones) in dealing with first order differential equations.
First Order  (pdf) Paradeigma Proodou
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 6:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn to use flow charts of vector fields to study the behavior of the solutions of the corresponding systems of linear differential equations.
System Flow  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 7:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn to use eigenvectors and eigenvalues to study the behavior of the solutions of the corresponding systems of linear differential equations.
Linear  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 8:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn to linearize a nonlinear system of differential equations at equilibrium points, and about Lyapunov's rules.
Linearize  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)
Literacy   (nb) Literacy   (pdf)
Week 9:
Student's goals for this week:
To learn about the heat and wave equations and how they relate to the Fourier Transform.
Heat - Wave Equations  (pdf)
Basics  (nb)
Tutorials  (nb)
Give It a Try   (nb)